Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008: The Long-Awaited Phone Call

Well, the news today was a good news/bad news type of thing.  My CA125 went up to 60.   Although this isn't great news, it's not awful.  My nurse told me that until the level is doubled, which is typically 70 (and we all know I'm not your typical case) we don't jump to conclusions.  In my case, they wouldn't take the next step (more chemo) until I was around 80.

So, the plan is to have more blood work in two weeks.  I have a CT scan and chest x-ray on October 6 and then will have my blood work done on October 8.  After that we will again be "waiting for the phone call".  

I feel good about this news.   Obviously I was hoping to have my number drop but I will continue to trust that God knows what is best for me.  One day at a time (and some days one minute at a time).  Thank you for your prayers - I had a fairly peaceful morning waiting for "the call".  I am again now completely helpless and weak with this situation and can feel God's strength pulling me through.  I have missed that feeling as I have been trying to take control again of my life. 

I haven't heard from Brian's parents yet - we'll keep you posted.  Brian is exhausted - please pray for peace at work, peace with today's news (he wants so badly to be able to "fix" this problem for me) and peace with his family.  In addition to his dad being in the hospital, both his brother and his uncle are recovering from rotater cuff surgery right now.