Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007: Prayer Request
05/16/2007 10:18 PM

Hello again,

I have another prayer request. This one is for Brian. Brian has been having a difficult time lately and I am asking that you cover him with your prayers. I should have seen the signs long ago. He has been hiding his feelings from me so that he wouldn’t upset me. Brian has been my rock and watched me go through so much and is always there when I fall apart to put me back together. He has been keeping his feelings bottled up and they have gotten to the point that they really need to come out. Monday night at midnight I found him crying on the couch in the dark. Yesterday he broke down at work and had to come home. I came home from running errands and found him crying in our bed so I called his friend and they talked for about an hour. That was a very good first step. I don’t think I have ever seen him this depressed. My cancer has become our entire life right now and we can’t get away from it. I have breaks when I am feeling really good as compared to being knocked down by chemo. Brian is always worried about me…from the difficult things like surgery to the little things like making sure I am eating enough. He doesn’t get away from it. I think it would be helpful for him if next time you see him, ask him what movies he has seen lately or if he saw the Tigers play recently. At work he is constantly asked "how are you doing?" or "how is Kristi doing?". It’s constant. I think he is just so overwhelmed with everything that some "normal" questions would be a nice break for him. Please pray that he will be able to break the stereotypical male perspective of being tough and not needing help. Please also pray that during this low point God will move even closer to him and that relationship will grow stronger. Finally, pray that as a couple we will always keep our communication lines open and stay close during this difficult time in our lives.
