Thursday, February 8, 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007: CA125 Results - 2300!
02/08/2007 09:47 PM

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to remind you to keep the tumor board in your prayers tomorrow. They will be discussing my case (along with many others) and deciding what they feel is the best course of treatment. This information will then go to my oncologist who we meet with next week Thursday when the final decision of treatment will be explained to us.

A quick praise – we found out today that my CA125 level (my cancer level in my blood) was very elevated prior to my surgery which is great. This gives the oncologist a way to track how the chemo is doing (it should go down as the chemo is working). Because ovarian cancer can hide easily, this is the best way to track the progress. There was a 20 percent chance that this level was not going to show in my blood test so that was wonderful news for us today that it did.

I had my staples out yesterday which was a bit painful but that was expected. I’m glad they’re out and my incision is healing well.

That’s really it for now. Please continue the prayers for a day by day attitude. That is so important for us right now. I know I need to walk in this valley right now but I’m not alone. I have God with me at all times and the most amazing support system in the world! I am still convinced that I am going to come through this shining brighter than ever and use this experience to help others.

Thank you my awesome prayer warriors!

Love & hugs,