Usually when I say I am "going down" it means I am sliding into a depression. In this case though, going down is good! Although my CA125 didn't go down much ~ it did go down! It was 630 last time and it is now 598.
I also had a physical exam today and Dr. Downey could not feel the lump that he felt two months ago! I don't think he expected me to respond so well to this treatment ~ he almost didn't seem quite sure what to do with himself. I asked him if he was finally ready to believe me that I am going to kick this cancer and his response was "well, it sure is taking you long enough". I responded that this has just been so much fun that I'm not ready for it to end yet. Although he can typically be quite down I sure do love messing with his mind :)
My other blood counts are down but they are not dangerously low. The plan is to start the Etoposide up again on Sunday night (it's a daily pill for 20 days) and go back in again after that for more bloodwork and meet with him again in a month.
Right now though . . . we celebrate!!! Can I get a woooohooooo????!!!!!!!