I'm sorry for not keeping up to date; I know the silence must be difficult for those that follow our blog.
We are not ready to share everything at this time but it's important that I share this with you: know that Kristi's health has taken a sudden turn for the worse. But also be comforted by the fact that she is getting very good care at home right now. She still has a lot of pain and is very confused, but she can still smile and laugh so that helps. I will share more when we get her stabilized, but right now things are a whirlwind.
At this time we're asking that only immediate family visit. As I said, Kristi is very confused with everything going on and visitors coming and going makes her very unsettled.
Thanks for understanding and I'll share more when I know more...because I am also very confused with everything going on.
For now, please pray for comfort, peace, guidance, strength and patience for our family over the next few weeks. Thank you.