Hey everyone – good news! My mammogram today went really well. They looked at the tests right away and couldn’t find anything suspicious at all! They think the spot that was found on the ct scan was possibly a small pool of blood from the surgery I had earlier in the day. Thanks for the prayers – the prayer pager has been quite busy! I am feeling better today and have more energy. I am still having the stomach pains. I have an appointment with my oncologist on Wednesday afternoon as a follow-up for my stomach port surgery. I’m hoping he’ll be able to figure out my stomach pains and how I can make them stop or at least lessen them. My feet still have the neuropathy but not too bad. I am just grateful to have my spring back in my step today. It has been a long week and I hadn’t realized how down I was getting. Pain has a funny way of getting to you. Like Brian said, cancer sucks. I have to agree with him there. Fortunately the blessings have outweighed the burdens. I appreciate all your e-mails and calls and cards that let us know how our situation has impacted your life. What an honor to be used for God’s will. I hate to be short but it’s getting late and I need my beauty sleep!
Love & hugs,