Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008: The Torch Has Been Passed

This past Sunday we had the privilege of passing along the prayer pager to Rich and Mary Elling. I say it is a privilege not because we wanted to get rid of it, but rather that the pager has been such a huge blessing over the past year we wanted to share it with someone else. We have had it for a year and with Rich and Mary just starting down this adventurous path, we just felt the timing was right for us to pass it along. So please, keep paging it. Rich and Mary have started their own care page. It's web address is:

When you pray for the Elling family call the pager (same number 772-0110). Having the pager was one of the few bright spots in some of our darkest days.

And again, thank you for all of the prayers over the past year and calling the pager. It meant a lot to us.

Brian & Kristi