Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wednesday, June 6, 2007: Kristi on the Rebound.

Since Sunday Kristi has made great progress.

Physically, she's feeling much better. She's not as fatigued and she's getting out. In fact, right now she's at Logans with her friends Merry and Heidi. She's been looking forward to this for a few days now...she's been "cooped up" for 2 weeks - and it’s been a long 2 weeks…by far the toughest round. But, this morning she got up with the kids and I, had breakfast with us, then brought the kids to the bus stop! This was a special treat for the kids. She even has a little sparkle back in her eyes. That is so refreshing!! When mommy's doing better, we're all doing better. I even got out last night and went scuba diving with some friends. That was also a special treat. Well, the diving wasn't so great (10 feet visibility, 36 deg. Water - brrrrrr), but the camaraderie was good!

Kristi did have a little down time emotionally today, however. Remember when I made that pendulum analogy. Well, it swung back and forth a couple times today. This happens. It can swing quite wildly at times too. This is “normal” stuff for what we go through, so don‘t panic! Please just pray that that this passes quickly. It usually does, with your prayers.

So, for now, all is much better. Please continue to pray for heeling, good spirits, and good rest for us all. That’s all for now…I’ll see if Kristi can’t add a bit when she gets back tonight.

Hi everyone,

Wow did I need a night out! Always good to get away with friends – thanks girls! After a lot of laughing and good food at Logans we went to Target just wandering and watching for those fun red “clearance” signs! After many more laughs I’m back home again. I got a chance to talk about my down time today and also time to just have fun. I needed to do both. My down time kinda came out of nowhere. At times the odds against me beating this can overwhelm me. I just need to shed a few . . . okay, a lot of tears and I feel better again. It didn’t take too long and I’m back in the game again. Right now I’m whipped and looking forward to a good nights sleep. Until next time . . . love & hugs are being sent your way!
