Well, we had our interview today with Doug Swink from Winning At Home. It was really difficult to not only fit this past year, but also fit the past 14 years of marriage into a 5 minute conversation. We’d like to thank Winning At Home and WJQ for inviting us onto their show to tell our story. We would welcome the chance to come back and have a deeper discussion about how this cancer has brought us closer together and how we have seen God working in our lives over the past 10 months. It’s obvious that God has cleared the way down this path that we’re walking down together. Whether its cancer, death, a tragic accident, or whatever, the message we're trying to spread is that something good can come out of something bad. Not only that, but bad things can happen to good people. Not only “good” people, but bad things happen to Christian people. Being a Christian doesn’t make you immune to disease and tragedy. We feel that is such a huge message to get out to the secular world.
When you have a life changing event occur in your life, you have an immediate decision to make: do I get bitter, or do I get better? That’s the decision we had to make on January 23. We chose to be better. Does it mean we’re never bitter? Nope! But the bitter times make us better. It would be nice to skip to the last chapter to see how this all plays out, but it’s all this in-between stuff that builds our character. We really are like a ball of clay and God is the potter - He molds and shapes us during these trials. That’s the biggest life lesson that I have learned over the past 10 months.
We still don’t have details as far as when the interview will be played tomorrow morning. If we get the sound bite file we will post it on our blog. So times are good again. We’re busy, feelin’ good, and enjoying time together as a family.
Tomorrow night we’ll give an update on how our ads are doing for Lori & Eric. We think we’ll have some good news to report!