Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007: Here We Go Again

When we first met with Kristi’s Oncologist back in February I remember them telling us “you have cancer, so go live your lives”. HA, right! Kristi had blood work done this afternoon and at 5:00 tonight Kristi got a call from her Oncologist’s office telling her to get to the hospital within the hour for a transfusion. Her platelet level was at a critical level and she needed an immediate transfusion. So, Kristi called me at work and told me to get home. Kristi had plans tonight to go visit with her friends…one of them only in town for a few days. BUT, never mind. Not gunna happen, not tonight, no way, no how. So here we sit, well…lye, at the hospital. She’s getting red blood cells right now and we’re waiting for platelets to come from Lansing. They should be here within the hour. Originally they told us she was going to have to stay the night so we made all of the necessary child care arrangements with that in mind. Well, as of 9:32PM, they said that she will not need to stay the night and that we can go home when she’s done. And what time will that be? Should be around 2:00AM. Oh boy! So, some more phone calls and childcare is re-taken care of. Kristi’s obviously upset/annoyed by this whole ordeal…and as you can tell by my cynicism so am I. Not anything the hospital has done - just "this". She said she was so mad she wanted to spit. Wow, now that’s mad! So how are you supposed to “live your life” when you can get these calls at any time. It’s frustrating.

I got an e-mail today from an old friend of mine…my college roommate. That got me thinking about how simple life was back then. Life seemed so stressful at the time – if I only knew then what I know now. Kristi and I met just after my second year of college. Yup, June 25, 1989 (and I didn’t even need to ask her the date!). Wow, how time flies. Here’s a picture of us when we were dating (est. summer of 1990). So happy. Young and in love. That was us. Now we’re old…but still in love!! :) Check out my hair!! And look how skinny I was! I don’t think Kristi has aged a day since that picture. Well, except for the hair…she had some wild hair too!

I didn’t have a very good day today. Just spent a lot of time thinking. When times are good we need to take care of the necessary stuff while Kristi’s able to get out. I think that sent my mind wandering…Thursday we have to go to the lawyer’s office to sign the Wills and Power of Attorneys for Healthcare. That gives me authority to make decisions if she becomes unable to make her own decisions. The hospital and doctor's office have been bugging us to get this done. That’s just a depressing thought I hope we never have to exercise; but necessary to have done when you're in our boat. So you see, times are good, but there's all those little details that need to be taken care of "behind the scenes". Tomorrow Johnson Controls (where I work) is having their 7th annual Sea100 Poker Run. It’s a boat race from Holland to Saugatuck. This will be the 7th year that they have done this. They raise money every year for a “special cause”. We are the special cause this year. Once again we are blown away by the generosity of this town and the people I work with. Amazing. It’s a bittersweet thing. I’d rather not be in this situation. I’d rather be on one of the boats raising money for someone else. But, like I said before, it’s the hand we’ve been dealt so we’ll keep playing these lousy cards. I just get all these thoughts running through my head and it consumes me at times. Then I go into a pity party. Why can’t we be the ones having fun? Not that it’s not going to be fun tomorrow night, just that when we go home the cancer is still there. Maybe we should dip her into Lake Mac…I think that water would eat the cancer right out of her!! Hey, there’s an idea. Or maybe after seeing Eric in a Speedo she will laugh so hard that she will laugh the cancer out of her (Eric who?). Hmmmm. But regardless, tomorrow night will provide us again with a night out and hopefully we will (for the most part) be able to forget about the cancer for a few hours. We’re hoping anyway that Kristi will be able to go. If she can’t go she will be quite upset. She’s looking forward to the boat ride and just getting out and having some fun.

Anyway, after a not so great day at work being followed up by this, my heart is heavy tonight so I’m asking for prayers for me and the family. The kids did well in the hand-off to the VanderKolk’s (thank you VanderKolks!). It’s obviously a disruption for the kids too so please remember them in your prayers. And this is especially tough on Kristi as her plans were ruined tonight. She always feels guilty when something like this happens - like she’s inconveniencing everyone. I always tell her everyone loves to help…but you know Kristi…always thinking of everyone else.

One other note...my friend Brian’s dad’s surgery was yesterday and the last we heard it went fairly well. So prayers of thanksgiving as well as patience as they now have a long road to recovery.

Thanks and I’ll let you know tomorrow what the final plan was tonight because I’m sure it will change again. I'm tired so I think I will just post this and update it later