Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007: Counting Down

I knew this week would fly by but I am still stunned at how quickly it went. I've been marking things off my to-do list all week and yet it seems to continue to grow! I'm discovering that a mother's work is never done.

We had a great night Friday celebrating Christmas with our friends. We also had fun this evening celebrating birthdays with Brian's family.

Brian came down with a cold this afternoon and I got it this evening. I was telling Brian's family tonight how fortunate I've been that I have only caught one cold this year. Shortly after they left I sneezed and it was all over. I have a stuffy and drippy nose and sinus pressure. Hopefully our germs will quickly pass and not cause any problems with surgery.

Tonight as I put Emily to bed I had tears running down my face while I sang to her. She is spending the night at friends of ours tomorrow night so tonight was the last time I will put her to bed for quite a while. I don't think she would be able to handle seeing me in the hospital so it will be a long week waiting to see her again!

The other night I was freaking out about the kids, especially Emily, missing me. She is very much a mommy's girl these days. I had a thought though as if God were talking to me. It was "you trust me to remove your cancer but you don't think I can handle a three year old?". It was almost rather comical. I did feel much better after I "let go" of the fear. I'll admit that I am still trying to take control of it though and am struggling with it.

So, some prayer requests for tonight are:

*the cold germs will flee our house!

*I will be able to let go of my worries about the kids

*continued peace about the surgery especially as the day gets closer

*I can tell Brian's anxiety is kicking into high gear and his cold doesn't help matters Pray that God's peace will overcome him.

*that the transition of leaving Emily tomorrow night will go well